Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Rouken (v.) - to lie close, cower down.

What is mankynde moore unto you holde
Than is the sheep that rouketh in the folde?
For slayn is man right as another beest,
And dwelleth eek in prison and arreest,

- Chaucer, Geoffrey: The Canterbury tales (1387-1394)

Pronunciation: /rukEn/

/r/ r in red
/u/ oo in boot
/k/ k in kin
/E/ e in met
/n/ n in no

The Middle-English Word of the Day is selected from Mayhew and Skeat's
"Concise Dictionary of Middle English."
As found on Greg Lindahl's website

The example text was found at the Middle English Collection of the University of Virginia Library.

The approximate pronunciation is determined using Carol Hamill's Middle English Pronunciation Guide
and noted using upon the ASCII-IPA Standard