Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Hanselle (n.) - earnest-money on a purchase, a gift, the confirming of a bargain by shaking hands.

And thus, mi fader, soth to seie,
In cherche riht as in the weie,
If I mihte oght of love take,
Such hansell have I noght forsake.

- Gower, John: Confessio amantis (1390-1393)

Pronunciation: /AnsEl/

/A/ a in father
/n/ n in no
/s/ s in hiss
/E/ e in met
/l/ l in lily

The Middle-English Word of the Day is selected from Mayhew and Skeat's
"Concise Dictionary of Middle English."
As found on Greg Lindahl's website

The example text was found at the Middle English Collection of the University of Virginia Library.

The approximate pronunciation is determined using Carol Hamill's Middle English Pronunciation Guide
and noted using upon the ASCII-IPA Standard